
Balloon Sinuplasty
The North Florida Sinus Center have been at the forefront of catheter-based therapy of the sinuses and have considerable expertise and experience.

A relatively new technology helps remove thick diseased bone more safely by generating sound waves and small vibrations.

Image Guided Surgery
The technology resembles a miniature global positioning system (GPS), like that used in a car: It allows surgeons to navigate complex sinus anatomy with increasing safety.

Skull Base Surgery
The term ‘skull base’ is used to designate the areas located on the other side of the roof of the sinuses, extending from the roof of the nose, between the eyes, beyond the roof of the mouth & the backside of the nose where the adenoids are usually located.

Trans Oral Robotic Surgery
This robotic surgery provides improved visualization, access and instrumentation to areas in the deep parts of the throat and tongue.

Sialendoscopy is an innovative technique that uses miniature endoscopes to treat various conditions affecting the saliva glands, including the parotid and submandibular glands.

LATERA® is an absorbable implant that is designed to treat people with nasal airway obstruction from the collapse of their nostrils, otherwise known as a nasal valve or lateral wall collapse.

Digitrapper® pH-Z
Digitrapper® pH-Z testing is a minimally-invasive way to assess reflux by assessing acid and non-acid causes for patients with atypical symptoms suggestive of proximal reflux etiologies.